Fort Rosecrans
is north of Cabrillo National Monument. Fort Rosecrans is a former WWII military outpost, situated on Point Loma to protect the Naval Base on Coronado from attack by sea. The fort contains bunkers, weapons emplacements and the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery (, which holds a number of monuments including the USS Bennington Monument. An exhibit in Cabrillo National Monument displays some of the history of Fort Rosecrans.
cabrillo national monument
At the end of Catalina Boulevard, +1 619 557-5450, ( Open daily 9AM-5PM, $5 per vehicle, $3 per person walking, bicycling, or motorcycling in.
Located at the tip of Point Loma, Cabrillo National Monument commemorates Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, who led the first European exploration to what is now the west coast of the United States, in 1542. Point Loma was the one of the places he stopped, and the first contact Europeans made with what would one day be California. The monument has a statue of Cabrillo and exhibits on his expedition in the visitor center.
Being over 400 feet above the ocean, the views from Cabrillo are marvelous, overlooking the Pacific Ocean to the west and San Diego Bay, Coronado, the airport, and Downtown San Diego to the east. Mexico and several off-shore islands are also visible from this vantage point on a clear day. A short walk from the parking lot is the Old Point Loma Lighthouse, which was built in the 1850s to warn approaching sailors of rocks. However, the location proved poor and a new lighthouse was built closer to ocean, leaving the old lighthouse empty. Today the old lighthouse has been preserved and is open to tour. Each year, on the lighthouse's birthday, the top of the lighthouse is opened for visitors to enjoy the same view that the lighthouse keeper had.
In addition to it's main sights, Cabrillo also offers a few other attractions:
There is a Tidepool Area a few miles drive from the Visitor Center, down the cliff on the Pacific Ocean side, where visitors can explore a living tide pool ecosystem. Just be cautious of the marine life and slippery rocks! Wearing shoes with proper grips is a must when visiting any tidal ecosystem.
An exhibit on the Military History of Point Loma is located near the parking lot, which preserves a few of the old coastal defense mechanisms which were in place during both world wars. Occasionally, a docent will be present to answer any questions about the military history of the area.
A Whale Overlook, near the Old Point Loma Lighthouse, offers a great place to watch the annual Gray Whale migration every winter.
The Bayside Trail gives you a chance to stroll through a native coastal scrubland. Sea lions are very often seen from this trail, playing on the buoys bobbing in the ocean below. The trail is one way.